Prof.univ.dr. Floarea GRECU

Profesor în Geografie fizică

Profesor universitar doctor în cadrul Facultății de Geografie, Universitatea din București,  Departamentul de Geomorfologie-Pedologie-Geomatică

Domeniu de conducere teza – geografie: geografie fizică aplicată, geomorfologie dinamică (dinamica versanţilor, dinamica albiilor de râu), hazarduri şi riscuri naturale-studii regionale, paleogeografie cuaternară, hidrogeomorfologie, morfohidrografie (bazine hidrografice mici), geosituri

Teza de doctorat

• GRECU FLORINA(1992),Bazinul Hârtibaciului. Elemente de morfohidrografie, Edit. Academiei, Bucureşti, 160 pagini.,
Premiul Academiei Romane

Principale realizări în ultimii 10 ani

A.Cărţi si capitole în cărţi publicate în ultimii10 anii

• GRECU FLORINA (2008), Geomorfologie dinamică, Edit.CREDIS, Bucureşti, 232 p GRECU FLORINA, editor (2008), Lucrări şi rapoarte de cercetare, Centrul de cercetare “Degradarea terenurilor şi dinamica geomorfologică”, vol.II, Edit.Universităţii din Bucureşti, 100 p.(lb.engleza si franceza)
• GRECU FLORINA, MARCULET IOAN, MARCULET CATALINA, DOBRE R OBERT (2008), Podișul Transilvaniei de Sud și unitățile limitrofe. Repere geografice, Edit.Universității București, 68 p, harta color 80/60 cm. (in lb.romana si lb.engleza)
• GRECU FLORINA (2009), Hazarde și riscuri naturale geologice și geomorfologice, Edit. CREDIS, București, 142 p.
• GRECU FLORINA (2009), Hazarde şi riscuri naturale, Editia a IV-a, Edit.Universitară, Bucureşti, 302 p..
• GRECU FLORINA (2010), Geografia campiilor României, Ed.Universității din Bucuresti, 260 p. format A4, cuprins in limba engleza
• ZAHARIA L., GRECU F., IOANA-TOROIMAC G., CHIRILĂ G. (2011), Sediment Transport And River Channel Dynamics In Romania – Variability and Control Factors, in Sediment transport in aquatic environments ed. ANDREW J.MANNING,, p.293- 316 (ISBN 978-953-307-586-0)
• Grecu F., Comănescu L., Ghiță C., Săcrieru R., Toroimac G., Vișan M. (2012) Facteurs favorables a la genese et au developement des villes de la Plaine Roumaine, in vol. Villes : Dynamiques, Climat et Environnement, ed.Taoufik El Melki,Noomene Fehri, Tunis, p.51- 64, 10 fig. (ISBN :978-9973-085-25-2)
• GRECU FLORINA, editor (2012), Lucrări şi rapoarte de cercetare, Centrul de cercetare “Degradarea terenurilor şi dinamica geomorfologică”, vol.III, Workshop Hydrogeomorphological Systems, Orsova, 8-10 octombrie 2011, Edit.Universităţii din Bucureşti, 136 p.(lb.engleza si franceza)
• GRECU FLORINA, ZAHARIA LILIANA, GHIȚĂ CRISTINA, COMANESCU LAURA, CÎRCIUMARU EMIL, ALBU MARIA (2012), Sisteme hidrogeomorfologice din Câmpia Română. Hazard – Vulnerabilitate – Risc, coord.GRECU F., Edit.Universității București, 308 p. (A4) + 14 planșe color (10A4 si 4A3), 187 figuri color in text, 93 tabele (ISBN978-606-16-0175-2) (cuprins in limba engleză)
• Grecu Florina, editor (2014) Relevanta geomorfologiei pentru societate/ Relevence of Geomorphology to Society, Book of abstracts, Al XXX-lea Simpozion National de Geomorfologie, Orşova, ISBN 978-973-0-16986-7
• GRECU FLORINA (2016), Hazarde si riscuri naturale, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, 354 p.
• GRECU FLORINA (2018), Geomorfologie dinamică pluvio-fluvială.Teorie şi aplicaţii, Editura Universitară, 480 p., 264 figuri, 70 tabele, 503 titluri bibliografice, index de termini, simboluri

B. Lucrări indexate ISI/BDI publicate în ultimii 10 anii

• GRECU FLORINA (2008/2009), Index of Morphohydrographic basin completion by perimetres and area.Case study in Romania, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 31(2008), 37 – 45, 9 fig., 12 tabele. REV ISI IF 0.136 IFR 1,721 )(Q4 Web of Sciences )
• GRECU FLORINA (2008), Parc National Vanoise (Alpes Francaises), Observations sur les glaciers, Revista de Geomorfologie, Edit.Universtitatii din Bucuresti, vol 9 /2007, p. 33-40, 6 fig., 3 foto. (rev.recunoscuta CNCSIS B+) BDI
• GRECU FLORINA (2008), Dynamics of the Relief – Glaciar System, Anal Univ. București, Geografie, vol. LV- 2006, pp. 5 -12, 7 fig., 1 tabel. (baza de date GeoRef ) BDI
• GHERGHINA ALINA, GRECU FLORINA, MOLIN PAOLA (2008), Morfhometric Anallysis of microdepressions in the central Baragan Plain (Romania), Revista de Geomorfologie, vol 10, p. 31 – 38, 10 figuri, 2 tabele. (rev.recunoscuta CNCSIS B+) BDI
• Mebarki Azzedine , Benabbas Chaouki, Grecu Florina (2008)Le Systeme « Beni-Haroun » (Oued Kebir-Rhumel,Algerie): amenagements hydrauliques et contraintes morpho-geologiques, Analele Univ. Bucuresti, Geografie, LVII, p. BDI
• GRECU FLORINA, COMANESCU LAURA, GHIŢĂ CRISTINA, SACRIERU RAZVAN, TOROIMAC GABRIELA, VISAN MIRCEA (2008), Facteurs de favorabilite dans l’apparition et le developpement des villes de la Plaine Roumaine, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Geografie, LVII, p.5 – 20 (baza de date GeoRef ) BDI

• GRECU FLORINA (2009), Geomorphologic Map of the Prahova Subcarpathians (Romania), Journal of Maps/2009, p. 108 – 116, 10.4113/jom.2009.1052.v REV ISI IF 0.935 AIS 0,135 IFR 1,374 (IF ultimii 5ani 1,572, h-index revista 19) (Q2 Web of Sciences)
• GRECU F., SACRIERU R., GHIȚĂ C., VĂCARU L. (2009), Geomorphological landmarks of the eastern Romanian Plain.Holocene evolution, Z.Geomorph.N.F.,53, Suppl.1, 99-110, 8 fig Berlin-Stuttgart REV ISI IF 0.610 AIS 0.288 IFR 2.05 )(Q3 Web of Sciences)
• Grecu F., Comanescu L., Dobre R., Toroimac G., Ghita C., Carciumaru E., Sacrieru R.(2009), Morphohydrologic unbalance impact on archaeological sites. Romanian Plan cas study, in vol., Ol’ Man River, Geo-archeological aspects of rivers and river plains, Archaeological Reports Ghent University 5, Belgia, pp.449- 465, indexat in Boekbespreking, http://hdl.handle.net1854/LU-696243, ISBN 978-90-382-1404-7. Cited.References in Web of Sciences Core Collections 41
• GRECU FLORINA, GHITA CRISTINA (2009), Vocation touristique de la Plaine Roumaine,Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, LVIII, p.49-64, 12 fig (baza de date GeoRef)BDI
• Comănescu Laura, Nedelea Alexandru, Grecu Florina, Dobre Robert, (2009), Inventory and evaluation of geomorphological sites in Fagaras Mountains (Carpathians, Romania), electronic abstract, Melbourne, Australia, 7 th International Conference on Geomorphology, ISBN 1877040746, indexat în Proquest Hosted.BDI
• Dramis F., Grecu F., Fubelli G., Gherghina A., Ignat P., Molin P.(2009)Geomorphological evolution of the contact area between the Romanian Plain and the Subcarpathian Curvature7 th International Conference on Geomorphology, ISBN 1877040746, indexat în Proquest Hosted.BDI
• Grecu F., Comanescu L., Carciumaru E., Zaharia L., Ghita C., Vacaru L. (2009) Morpholmetric data of the dynamics of same riverbeds in the Roumanian Plain, Curvature7 th International Conference on Geomorphology, ISBN 1877040746, indexat în Proquest Hosted.

• IOANA-TOROIMAC G., DOBRE R., GRECU F., ZAHARIA L. ( 2010), Evolution 2D de la bande active de la Haute Prahova (Roumanie) durant les 150 dernières années. Revue Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, n°3, REV ISI IF 0.689 AIS 0.169 IFR 1.721 (Q4 Web of Sciences) coord.doctorat GRECU F.
• Grecu Florina, Liliana Zaharia, Cristina Ghita, Lavinia Vacaru (2010), The dynamic factors of hydrogeomorphic vulnerability in the central sector of the romanian plain, Metalurgia international, vol XV, 2010 Special Issue, no.9, pp. 139-148, ISSN 1582-2214( ISI Web of knowledge , regional, IF 0.148 IFR 1.169(Q4 Web of Sciences) Journal Expansion European Union 2010). Factor de impact referinţă: 1.169
• GRECU FLORINA, GHERGHINA ALINA, GHITA CRISTINA, COMANESCU LAURA,(2010), Environmental synergy in the Romanian Plain (to the east of olt river) in Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Pro ceedings of the XIX CBGA Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, Special volume, Edit. Charis Ltd, Thesaloniki, Grecia 100, pp. 71-80, ISBN 978-960-9502-02 Google Scholar, Google, Scirus,
• Florina Grecu, Laura Comănescu (2010,Special issues related to the landslides of Romania, Anal. Univ.Bucuresti, Seria Geografie, Vol. LIX, p.21- 30, 5 fig.(baza de date GeoRef ) BDI
• GRECU FLORINA, GHITA CRISTINA, SACRIERU RAZVAN (2010), Relation between tectonics and meandering of river channeles in the Romanian Plain.Preliminary observation, Revista de geomorfologie, 12, p. 97 –104, 7 fig., 4 tabele (indexed EBSCO).

• GRECU F., GHITA C., ALBU M., CÎRCIUMARU E (2011) Geomorphometric analysis on the some riverbeds in the Romanian plain, International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(30), pp.7055-7064, 2011, Available online at DOI: 10.5897/IJPS11.913, ISSN 1992 – 1950 ©2011 REV ISI IF 1.29 IFR 0.207
• GRECU F., GHITA C., BUDILEANU M., DOBRE R. (2011), Factors and criteria used to the environmental and natural vulnerability map design (Romanian Plain), in Book of abstract (Editors Jan Hradecky & Karel Silhan), Carpatho –Balkan -Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology , 17-20 octombrie 2011, Ostravice, Czech Republic, Ostrava, p.31, ISBN 978-80-7368-444-0 GoogleScholar,
• Florina GRECU, Cristina GHIŢĂ, Emil CÎRCIUMARU (2011), Land Vulnerability to geomorphological hazard induced by pluviometric criteria (Romanian Plain), Revista de Geomorfologie, 13, p. 59 -66 (indexed EBSCO)
• Florina GRECU (2011), Concernant la notion de risque naturel urbain, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, LX, 105 – 116 (Indexed GeoRef Scirus, Pubmed

• MOLIN P., FUBELLI G., NOCENTINI M., SPERINI S., IGNAT P., GRECU F., DRAMIS F. (2012), Interaction of mantle dynamics, crustal tectonics and surface processes in the topography of the Romanian Carpathians: A geomorphological approach, Global and Planetary Change 90-91 (2012) 58 -72, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.05.005,15 p.REV ISI 3.155 (Q1 Web of Sciences)
• Molin, Paola, Fubelli, G., Nocentini, M., Sperini, S., Ignat, P., Grecu, Florina, Dramis, F., (2012), Interaction of mantle dynamics, crustal tectonics and surface processes in the topography of the Romanian Carpathians: A geomorphological approach, Global and Planetary Change 90-91 (2012) 58 – 72, Ed. Elsevier. REV ISI
• GRECU FLORINA, SANDU MARIA (2012), The Hârtibaciu Tableland. Geomorphological risks, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Geografie, LXI, 5 – 16. (Revista BDI)
• ALEXANDRU RALUCA-GEORGIANA, CĂTESCU G., GRECU FLORINA, PAISA M. (2012) „Comparative analysis of the soil erosion in hill basins (Săsăuş and Mislea), using GIS techniques”, Analele Universității din București, Geografie, LXI, 25 – 42. Revista BDI)
• Hachemi K., Abdellaoui A., Grecu F., Ozer A., Vișan M.C.(2012) Etude de l’activite des volcans de boue (Paclele Mari et Mici) de Berca (Buzau, Roumanie) a l’aide de la technique d’interferometrie differentielle (dinsar) Revue Télédétection, 2012, Vol. 11, No 4 BDI
• Georgian CĂTESCU, Raluca ALEXANDRU, Marius PAISA, F. GRECU (2012) – Comparative evaluation of landslide susceptibility in hill catchments (Săsăuş and Mislea), using GIS techniques, Revista de geomorfologie, 14,67- 79. Revista BDI
• Kamel HACHEMI, Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI, André OZER, Florina GRECU etMircea Cristian VISAN (2012), Utilité de l’image de cohérence du couple tandem (ers-1/2) dans la délimitation et le calcul des dimensions des lacs et de la végétation dans la zone de Buzau en Roumanie,Télédétection, 2012, Vol. 11, No 3, p. 373-384, ISSN :1028-7736 BDI
• Kamel HACHEMI, Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI, André OZER, Florina GRECU etMircea Cristian VISAN (2014), Utilité de l’image de cohérence du couple tandem (ers-1/2) dans la délimitation et le calcul des dimensions des lacs et de la végétation dans la zone de Buzau en Roumanie ,Télédétection, Editions sciéntifique GB, 2014, p. 373-384, halshs-01141106. BDI
• hp//
• Florina GRECU, Abdelkader ABDELLAUI, Ali REDJEM, André OZER, Gh. VIŞAN, Said BOUREZG, Makhloufi HADJAB, Abdelkrim MAHAMEDI, R. DOBRE, M.VIŞAN (2012), Les aleas naturels en zones urbaines semi arides – Etude de cas de Boussaada (Algerie),Revista de geomorfologie, 14, 113- 124 BDI
• GRECU FLORINA, SANDU MARIA (2012), The Hârtibaciu Tableland. Geomorphological risks, Anal Univ. din Bucuresti, Geografie, LXI,5 – 16. (Revista BDI)

• GRECU Florina, ZAHARIA Liliana , GHITA Cristina (2013), Hydrogeomorphological Vulnerability in the Romanian Plain, Zeitschrift fur geomorphologie, vol 57, Supl.3, 003-028, DOI: 10.1127/0372-8854/2013/S-00141 REV ISI IF 0.661 AIS 0.232 0.387
• K. Hachemi, M. Visan, A. Ozer, F. Grecu, K. Anouche, M. Jurchescu, M. Nouacer (2013) The Interest of Coherence from Radar SAR Images in the Follow-Up of Urban Extensions of Focșani City (Romania), Geoinfor & Geostat: An Overview 1:4. doi:10.4172/2327-4581.1000113 BDI
• Grecu F., Cepoiu-Cercleux L. Dobre R., Ghita C., Iosif D. (2013), Monuments culturels historiques dans la Plaine Roumaine, Analele Universității din București, Geografie, LXII,117 -134.
• GRECU FLORINA, GHITĂ CRISTINA, BUDILEANU MARIUS (2013), Vulnerability map to hydro-geomorphological processes (Romanian Plain), Revista de geomorfologie, vol. 15, p. 5-12,
• Grecu F., Jurchescu M., Paisa M., Dobre R. (2013) Sheet and rill erosion hazard within drainage basins in hilly regions (Romania),Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, vol. 13, nr.1, p. 27., ISSN 1337-6799 BDI

• GRECU Florina, IOANA-TOROIMAC Gabriela, MOLIN Paola, DRAMIS Francesco (2014), River channel dynamics in the contact area beetween the Romanian Plain and the Curvature Subcarpathians, Revista de geomorfologie, vol.16, 5-12 BDI
• Florina GRECU, Daniel IOSIF (2014), La notion de geosite et son pertinence dans une etude sur la region du Defile du Danube en Roumanie, Analele Universitații București, geografie, vol. LXIII, p. 21 -36 BDI
• Grecu Florina, Iosif Daniel (2014),The geosites from Danube Defile in Romania.The vulnerability to touristic activities,GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year VII, no. 2, vol. 14, November 2014, p.169-175, ISSN 2065-0817, E-ISSN 2065-1198 Article no. 14107-163 BDI
• Hachemi, K., Jurchescu, M., Grecu, F., Ozer, A. and Visan, M.C. (2014) Study of Some Lakes in theNorth-Eastern Romanian Plain Using the Coherence Image of the Tandem Pair (ERS-1 and ERS-2). Advances in Remote Sensing, 3, 23-32.
• Kamel HACHEMI, Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI, André OZER, Florina GRECU etMircea Cristian VISAN (2014), Utilité de l’image de cohérence du couple tandem (ers-1/2) dans la délimitation et le calcul des dimensions des lacs et de la végétation dans la zone de Buzau en Roumanie ,Télédétection, Editions sciéntifique GB, 2014, p. 373-384, halshs-01141106. BDI hp//
• Hachemi K., Abdellaoui A., Grecu F., Ozer A., Vișan M.C.(2014) Etude de l’activite des volcans de boue (Paclele Mari et Mici) de Berca (Buzau, Roumanie) a l’aide de la technique d’interferometrie differentielle (dinsar) Revue Télédétection, 2014, BDI

• JURCHESCU Marta, GRECU Florina (2015), Modelling the occurrence of gullies at two spatial scales in the Olteţ Drainage Basin (Romania), Natural Hazards, vol. 79., p.1-37 Springer Verlag, doi10.1007/s11069-015-1981-6. IF 1.746 AIS 0.537 (Q2 Web of Sciences) coord.doctorat
• GRECU F., ZAHARIA L., IOANA-TOROIMAC G., ARMAŞ I. (2017), Floods and flash-floods related to river channel dynamics in vol. Radoane M., Vespremeanu Stroe F. eds, Landform dynamics and evolution in Romania, Springer Verlag, p. 821 – 844, ISI ISBN 978-3-319-32589-7 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32589-7_33
• Grecu F., Ioana-Toroimac Gabriela, Grigorie S., Ghiță C. (2017), The dynamics of the Danube Channel over last 150 years (Giurgiu- Călărasi sector. Preliminary data), Proceedings of Romanian Geomorphology Symposium, Ed.Univ.Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, ISSN 2559-3021,p.56-60. DOI 10.15551/prgs.2017.56BDI
• Grecu Florina ( 2018), Geomorphologic Hazard in Romania.Typology and Areal distribution In Water Management and the Environnment. Case Studies ed. Martina Zelenakova, Springer International Publ., 10.1007/978-3-319-79014 -5_5, p.85 – 99. ISI
• Grecu F., Eftene (Gherghina) A., Ghiță C., Chaouki B.(2015), The loess micro-depressions within the Romanian Plain. Morphometric and morphodynamic analysis, Revista de geomorfologie, vol.17, p.5 -18 BDI
• Grecu F., Daniel I (2015) Geosites et patrimoine en Roumanie. Etudes de cas: les églises fortifiées de Transylvanie, Anal. Universitatii. București, Geografie, vol. LXIV, p. 97-106 BDI
• Grecu F., Eftene (Gherghina) A., Ghiță C., Chaouki B.(2015), The loess micro-depressions within the Romanian Plain. Morphometric and morphodynamic analysis, Revista de geomorfologie, vol.17, p.5 -18 BDI
• Carmen Camelia RĂDULESCU, Florina GRECU, Robert DOBRE (2016),Sur le concept de geosite, des preliminaires au plateau de Dobroudja de Sud, Anal. Universitații din București, Geografie, LXV, p. 145-164 BDI
• Mostafia BOUGHALEM, Florina GRECU, Kacem MOUSSA, Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI (2016),Effect of different land use types and their implications on land degradation: the case of the watershed isser-tlemcen (Algeria) Anal. Univ.București, Geografie, vol. LXV, p. 39 -53 BDI
• Paola Coratza , Emmanuel Reynard , Nathalie Cayla , Laura Comanescu , Lucie Darbellay ,Christian Giusti , Florina Grecu , Paulo Pereira (2016) A digital platform for university education on geomorphosites ,Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-5871-1, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016 © Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License BDI
• Grecu Florina, Iosif Daniel (2016), Fluvial Geomorphosites – Interdisciplinary and Applied Approach,Anal. Universitații București, Geografie, vol. LXV, p. 5 – 18 BDI
• Carmen Camelia RĂDULESCU, Florina GRECU, Robert DOBRE (2016),Sur le concept de geosite, des preliminaires au plateau de Dobroudja de Sud, Anal. Universitații București, Geografie, LXV, p. 145-164 BDI
• Grecu F., Ioana-Toroimac Gabriela, Grigorie S., Ghiță C. (2017), The dynamics of the Danube Channel over last 150 years (Giurgiu- Călărasi sector. Preliminary data), Proceedings of Romanian Geomorphology Symposium, Ed.Univ.Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, ISSN 2559-3021,p.56-60. DOI 10.15551/prgs.2017.56 BDI
• Săndulache I., Grecu F., Săndulache C., Irimescu A. (2017), Terasis of the Cerna river, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Geografie, vol.LXVI, p.17-39 BDI
• Grecu F., Bercan C., Visan M (2017), Applied geomorphology field researches in the Transcarpathian Buzău Valley, Anal Univ. din Bucuresti, Geografie, vol LXVI, p. 49-58, BDI
• Grecu Florina(2017),Interconditionality geomorphosites and natural hazards, in Riscuri şi catastrophe, editor Sorocovschi V., an XVI, vol.20, nr.1/2017, Cluj Napoca, p.41 – 52. BDI
• Grecu Florina, Ioana-Toroimac Gabriela, Hachemi Kamel (2017) Morphometrical parameters of the fluvial islands in the Danube River channel Romania: paleogeographical evolution, in Niki Evelpidou, Anna Karkani, Marianna Gatou eds.,2017,New Technologies, Hazards and Geoarchaeology, Abstract Book ,Athens, p.67-68, ISBN 978-960-466-172-5 (e-book) BDI
• GRECU F., ZAHARIA L., IOANA-TOROIMAC G., ARMAŞ I. (2017), Floods and flash-floods related to river channel dynamics in vol. Radoane M., Vespremeanu Stroe F. eds, Landform dynamics and evolution in Romania, Springer Verlag, p. 821 – 844,ISBN 978-3-319-32589-7 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32589-7_33 ISI
• Emmanuel Reynard, Paola Coratza, Nathalie Cayla, Mélanie Clivaz, Laura Comanescu, Lucie Darbellay, Christian Giusti, Florina Grecu, Fabien Hobléa, Paulo Pereira (2018) INTERGEO: A digital platform for university education on geomorphological heritage, Geoheritage, 10.1007/s12371-018-0298-8, p.1-13 ISI
• Grecu F., Visan M., Dobre R., Bennabas C., Bercan C.(2018), Field research for vulnerability to geomorphological hazard of the national road in the Transcarpathian Valley of Buzău, Proceedings of the International Conference From field mapping and landform analysis to multi-risk assessment: challenges, uncertainties and transdisciplinarity,Buzău,May16-20 2018,ISSN 2559-3021, ISSN-L 2559-3021, p.63-68. BDI
• Kamel HACHEMI, Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI, Florina GRECU, André OZER, Mircea Cristian VISAN, Taffy MARTIN (2018), Paclele Mari and Mici mud volcano activity in Berca (Buzau, Romania) studied via DinSAR (differential SAR) interferometry, PhotoInterprétation European Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
• Nabil Manchar, Chaouki Benabbas, Riheb Hr Hadji, Foued Bouaicha, Florina Grecu (2018), Landslide susceptibility assessment in Constantine region (NE-Algeria) by Means of statistical Models, Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 40 (3):208-219,, published by Sciendo BDI
• Grecu Florina (2018), Problematiques generals et particulières dans l’étude des risques urbains/General and particular in the study of urban risk, Cinque Continentes BDI
• Radulescu Carmen Camelia, Grecu Florina (2018) General and particular in the inventory and assessment of geosites in Southern Dobrudja, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Geographie, LXVII, p. 42 – 63 BDI
• Grecu F.(2018), La Grande Union – la signification geographyque pour la Roumanie, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Geographie, LXVII,p. 5-8

C. Lucrări publicate înultimii 10anii în reviste şi volume de conferinţe cu referenţi, neindexate

• GRECU FLORINA, GHITA CRISTINA (2008), Valențele turistice ale Câmpiei Române, Comunicări științifice, vol VII/1, Ed.Samuel, Mediaș, pp.386 – 390, ISSN 1843 -3324, 4 fig. (recunoscuta CNCSIS)
• GRECU FLORINA (2008), Principii ale cercetării dinamicii reliefului, Comunicări științifice, vol. VII/2, Ed.Samuel, Mediaș, pp.95–98, ISSN 1843 -3324.
• GRECU FLORINA, G.TOROIMAC, R.DOBRE (2008), Précipitations et risques naturels durant la dernière décennie dans le département de Prahova (Roumanie), in vol. Climat et risques climatiques en Mediterranee, Actes du colloque de Montpellier, 9- 13 septembre 2008, p. 301 – 306, 4 fig., 2 tabele
• GRECU FLORINA (2008), Repere în abordarea sistemelor hidrogeomorfologice din Câmpia Română, Comunicări de Geografie, vol.XII, Ed.Univ.București, p.7-11.ISSN 1453-5483.(rev.recunoscuta CNCSIS)
• GRECUF.(2009), Asupra noțiunii de bazin morfohidrografic ca entitate teritorială, Comunicări stiințifice, vol.VIII, Ed.SAMUEL, Mediaș, p.379 -380,ISSN 1843-3324.
• GRECU F. (2009), Asupra notiunii de hazard natural urban, Comunicari de Geografie, Edit. Universitatatii din Bucuresti, p. 7-11, 5fig. (rev.recunoscuta CNCSIS)
• Comănescu Laura, Grecu Florina, Nedelea Alexandru, Dobre Robert, (2009), Assesment, protection and promotion of geomorphological sites in Bucegi Mountains (Carpathians, Romania), Colloque international de Géomorphologie, Géomorphosites 2009: imagerie, inventaire, mise en valeur et vulgarisation du patrimoine géomorphologique, IUFM de Paris – Université Paris-Sorbonne (France)
• GRECU F. (2010), Aplicații ale metodei granulometrice, Comunicari de Geografie, vol.XIV, Edit. Universitatatii din Bucuresti, p.9 -12, 1fig. (rev.recunoscuta CNCSIS)
• GRECU FLORINA, ZAHARIA LILIANA, GHITA CRISTINA, IOANA-TOROIMAC GABRIELA (2010), Épisodes hydro-pluviometriques extremes – et vulnerabilite hydro-géomorphologique dans la Plaine Roumaine: le cas de la rivière Vedea, XXIIIe Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie – Risques et changement climatique, 1-4 sept. 2010, Edit. Scientifiques, L`Actes du Colloque Rennes, Franta, pp. 251-256, ISBN: 978-2-907696-16-8
• GRECU FLORINA (2011), Semnificatia limitei in regionarea geografica (Limita dintre Podisul Hartibaciului si Depresiunea Fagarasului, Comunicari stiintifice, X, Medias, p. 298-302, ISSN 2247-7772.
• GRECU F., CRISTEA M., TISCOVSCHI A., TOROIMAC –IOANA G. (2011), Relations entre les éléments climatiques et les processus géomorphologiques dans les montagnes de făgăraş (Carpates Roumaines),in vol., Climat Montagnard et Risques, Actes du Colloque de Association International de Climatologie, 6-10 sept.2011 MART-Rovereto, p.285-290, ISBN 9782907696173.
• GRECU F., GHITA C., BUDILEANU M., DOBRE R. (2011), Factors and criteria used to the environmental and natural vulnerability map design (Romanian Plain), in Book of abstract (Editors Jan Hradecky & Karel Silhan), Carpatho –Balkan -Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology , 17-20 octombrie 2011, Ostravice, Czech Republic, Ostrava, p.31, ISBN 978-80-7368-444-0
• Kamel Hachemi, Florina Grecu Andre Ozer, Marta Jurchescu, MirceaVisan (2011), Detection of small deformations near the town of Saranga (Buzau) by differential interferometry (DInSAR), in Book of abstract (Editors Jan Hradecky & Karel Silhan), Carpatho –Balkan -Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology , 17-20 octombrie 2011, Ostravice, Czech Republic, Ostrava, p.32, ISBN 978-80-7368-444-0
• COMĂNESCU L., NEDELEA A., DOBRE R., GRECU F., OPREA R. (2012), Inventory and evaluation of geomorphosites in Viştea Valley (Făgăraș Mountains – Carpathians, Romania). In: C. Giusti (Ed.), Geomorphosites 2009: raising the profile of geomorphological heritage through iconography, inventory and promotion, Paris Sorbonne Université, Paris, pp. 81-86.
• GRECU F., MOLIN P., DOBRE R., TOROIMAC G., FUBELLI G., DRAMIS F (2012), River channel dynamics in the contact area between the Romanian Plain and the Curvature Subcarpathians, in Morphoevolution of tectonically active belts, 16th Joint Geomorphological Meeting, edited by AIGeo, ARACNE ed., Roma, p.19-20, ISBN 978-88-548-4914-3
• GHITA C., GHERGHINA A., GRECU F. (2012), Interfluvial micromorphometric analysis in areas from Eastern Romanian Plain, in Morphoevolution of tectonically active belts, 16th Joint Geomorphological Meeting, edited by AIGeo, ARACNE ed., Roma, p. 79- 82, ISBN 978-88-548-4914-3
• GRECU F. (2012), Modificări contemporane în modelarea reliefului din Podișul Hârtibaciului. Date preliminare, Comunicări științifice, vol XI, Colegiul Tehnic “Mediensis”, Mediaș, p. 312 – 317, 3 figuri. ISSN 2247 – 7772 ; ISSN –L= 2247 -7772.
• Florina GRECU, Sorin CARABLAISĂ, Liliana ZAHARIA et Gabriela IOANA-TOROIMAC (2012), Les precipitations – facteur de la dynamique des versants dans le Defile du Danube (Roumanie), în vol. Les climats regionaux, Edit. Sylvain Bigot & Sandra Rome, Actes du 25 emeColloque de l’association Internationale de Climatologie, 5-8 septembre 2012, Grenoble, France, p.349 – 355, ISBN 978-2-907696-18-0.
• Liliana ZAHARIA, Gérard BELTRANDO, Gabriela IOANA-TOROIMAC, Gabriel MINEA et Florina GRECU (2012), Les sécheresses des dernières décennies dans la plaine roumaine), în vol. Les climats regionaux, Edit. Sylvain BIGOT & Sandra ROME, Actes du 25 emeColloque de l’association Internationale de Climatologie, 4-9 septembre 2012, Grenoble, France, p.787 – 793, ISBN 978-2-907696-18-0.
• Grecu F., Jurchescu M., Paisa M., Dobre R. (2013) Sheet and rill erosion hazard within drainage basins in hilly regions (Romania),Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, vol. 13, nr.1, p. 27. Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology, 24-28 June 2013 Stará Lesná, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, Book of abstracts, ISSN 1337-6799
• Jurchescu M., Dragotă C., Marinică I.,Grecu F. (2013), Reconsidering rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence events under scarce data constraints.Examples from a hilly area in South-Western Romania, Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, vol. 13, nr.1, p.34.Carpatho – Balkan – Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology, 24-28 June 2013, Stará Lesná, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, Book of abstracts, ISSN 1337-6799.
• Dobre R., Grecu F., Comănescu L., Săvulescu I. (2013),Use a GIS techniques to identity areas to consider when design the first Romania railway basal tunnel, Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, vol. 13, nr.1, p.23. Carpatho – Balkan – Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology, 24-28 June 2013 Stará Lesná, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, Book of abstracts, ISSN 1337-6799
• GRECU Florina (2013), Degradarea terenurilor prin eroziune hidrica, Comunicări științifice, XII, Collegium mediense III, Mediaș, 207-211, ISSN 2247 – 7772, ISSN-L=2247-7772
• Gabriela IOANA-TOROIMAC, Liliana ZAHARIA, Florina GRECU (2013) Braided channel’s adjustments and hydroclimatic variability. Case study: Slănic River (Buzău watershed) – Scientific Conference / Conferința Științifică a INHGA Bucharest, Sept. 23-26, 2013 / București, 67 ISBN 978-973-0-15357-6
• GRECU F., G. IOANA-TOROIMAC, L. ZAHARIA, 2014, 2D analysis of river channels in relation to floods over last 50 years in the Curvature region (Romania), in Book of abstracts. Al XXX Simpozion National de Geomorfologie, Relevanţa geomorfologiei pentru societate/ Relevence of Geomorphology to Society, Ed.F.Grecu, Orșova,p.20, ISBN 978-973-0-16986-7
• Chaouki Benabbas, Florina Grecu, Zakaria Zouak, Hamza Amireche, 2014, Les aleas geomorphologiques en Algerie Nord Orientale: impact sur les infrastructures routieres,in Book of abstracts, Al XXX-lea Simpozion National de Geomorfologie, Relevanta geomorfologiei pentru societate/ Relevence of Geomorphology to Society, Ed.F.Grecu, Orşova, p.10, ISBN 978-973-0-16986-7
• Florina Grecu, Daniel Iosif, Laura Comanescu (2014), La notion de geosite et son pertinence dans une etude sur la region du Defile du Danube en Roumanie, in Book of abstracts, Al XXX-lea Simpozion National de Geomorfologie, Relevanta geomorfologiei pentru societate/ Relevence of Geomorphology to Society, Ed.F.Grecu, Orşova, p.19 ISBN 978-973-0-16986-7
• GRECU F., IOANA-TOROIMAC G., CONSTANTIN (OPREA) D.M (2014), Le critère pluviométrique angot dans la détermination de la susceptibilité du terrain aux aléas géomorphologiques en Roumanie., in vol, XXVIIe Colloque de L’Association Internationale de Climatologie, Climat: systeme et interactions, 2- 5 juillet 2014, Dijon, France, p.441-446
• GRECU Florina, DOBRE Robert, GHIŢĂ Cristina, TEODOR Mădălina ( 2014), Mapping Land Vulnerability to Geomorphological Processes in Romanian Territorial Systems, in The geomorphology of natural hazards: mapping, analysis and prevention Abstract book, 17th Joint Geomorphological Meeting 1-4 juli 2014, Liege,p.68 -69
• . Mădălina Teodor, Robert Dobre, Florina Grecu, Ionuț Săvulescu (2014), Vulnerability of the geomorphological processes of new proposed ski areas. Case study: Predeal- Azuga (Romania) resorts in The geomorphology of natural hazards: mapuping, analysis and prevention. Abstract book, 17th Joint Geomorphological Meeting.1-4 juli 2014, Liege p. 129 -130
• GRECU F., Ioana-Toroimac G.,Constantin (Oprea) D. M.,Carablaisă S., Zaharia L., Costache R., Munteanu A.(2015), L’événement pluvial du septembre 2014 dans le défilé du Danube (Roumanie) – Aléas et risques exceptionnels in vol. Modélisations & Variabilités, Actes du Colloque AIC organisé à Liège 1- 4 juillet 2015, ISBN 978-2-907696-21-0
• CARABLAISĂ S., GRECU F., CHITAN A.(2016), Tendances pluviométriques et risques géomorphologiques dans le parc naturel des Portes de fer en Roumanie, in vol « Climate et Pollution », XXIXeme Colloque de l’AIC, Bessanson, p.243-248
• Mereţ Rodica, Zaharia Liliana, Grecu Florina (2017), Caracteristics and use of Mineral Waters and Therapeutic Muds from Grid Village Area (Brașov Country), in vol Aerul și Apa.Componente ale mediului /Air and Water Components of the Environment, Casa Carții de Știință, Cluj Napoca, ISSN: 2067-743, p.443-450
• Florina Grecu, Sorin Carablaisa, Mircea Visan, Madalina Teodor.(2017) L’erosion des pluis et l’erosion hydrique sur les versantes de plateau en Roumanie,in vol. « Climat, ville et environnement », Actes du colloque AIC du Sfax, 3 – 6 juillet 2017, p.311-318 ISBN : 978-2-907696-23-4
• Florina GRECU, Ştefania GRIGORIE, Kamel HACHEMI (2018) La Classification Des Îlots Du Danube ( Roumanie), Vème colloque de l’AFGP Géographie Physique et Société: des risques naturels au patrimoine naturel Coimbra (Portugal), Livre de résumé, p.36 www//
• Carablaisa S, Grecu F., Teodor M. (2019) Le deficit pluviometrique comme un phenomene climatique de risque dans la depression de severin-roumanie.Causes et effets, Le XXXII Colloque de Asossiatione Internationale de Climatologie, Thessaloniki