Prof.univ.dr. Ileana PĂTRU-STUPARIU

 Profesor în Cercetarea Mediului

Directorul centrului de cercetare Peisaj – Teritoriu – Sisteme Informaționale (CeLTIS), afiliat la Institutul de Cercetare al Universității din București, (ICUB)


Curriculum Vitae


Pregătire profesională

  • 1989-1993, Diplomă în Geografie, specializarea Geografie – limba franceză, Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din București
  • 1999, Doctor în Geografie, Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din București
  • 2006, Îndrumător de doctorate în domeniul Geografie (română, engleză, franceză)


Activitate didactică

  • Introducere în Ecologia Peisajului (licență)
  • Modelarea structurală și funcțională a peisajelor (master)
  • Aplicarea metricilor peisagistice în studiile de mediu (master)


Domenii de cercetare

  • Ecologia peisajului
  • Dinamica și modelarea peisajului
  • Fragmentarea peisajului
  • Serviciile ecosistelor/peisajului
  • Planificarea peisajului
  • Peisaj cultural
  • Abordări geografice pe interfața capital natural/societate


Selecție publicații recente

ISI publications


  • Fang J., Peringer A., Stupariu M.S.,  Pătru-Stupariu I., Buttler A., Golay F. Porte-Agel F., (2018) Shifts in wind energy potential following land-use driven vegetation dynamics in complex terrains, accepted with revisions Science of Total  Environment
  • Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M.S., Stoicescu I., Peringer A., Buttler A., Fürst Ch .(2017) Integrating geo-biodiversity features in the analysis of landscape patterns, Ecological Indicators 80: 363–375
  • Năpăruș-Aljančič M.,Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M-S. (2017) Multiscale wavelet-based analysis to detect hidden geodiversity. Progress in Physical Geography : 26, pp. 601–619
  • Pătru-Stupariu I.,  Tudor C.A., Stupariu M.S., Buttler A., Peringer A. (2016) Landscapes persistence and stakeholders’ perspective . The case of the Romanian Carpathians. Applied Geography, 69: 87-98.
  • Peringer, A., Schulze, K. A., Pătru-Stupariu I., M.S. Stupariu,  Rosenthal G., Gillet, F. & A. Buttler (2016) Multi-scale feedbacks between tree regeneration traits and herbivore behaviour explain the structure of pasture-woodland mosaics Landscape Ecology, 31, 4: 913-927.
  • Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M.S, Tudor C.A., Grădinaru S.R., Gavrilidis A., Kienast F., Anna M. Hersperger A.M. (2015) Landscape fragmentation in Romania’s Southern Carpathians: testing a European assessment with local data. Landscape and Urban Planning 143: 1-8.
  • Grădinaru S.R., Iojă C.I, Onose D., Gavrilidis A., Pătru-Stupariu I., Kienast F., Hersperger A. (2015)  Land abandonment as a precursor of built-up development at thesprawling periphery of former socialist cities. Ecological Indicators 57:305–313.
  • Nită A. , Buttler A. , Rozylowicz  L., Pătru-Stupariu I (2015)  Perception and use of landscape concepts in the procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment; case study – Switzerland and Romania. Land Use Policy 44:145–152.
  • Tudor, C. A., Iojă, I. C., Rozylowicz, L., Pătru-Stupariu, I., Hersperger, A. M. (2015). Similarities and differences in the assessment of land use associations by local people and experts. Land Use Policy Journal 49, 341-351.
  • Tudor, C.A., Iojă, C. I., Pătru-Stupariu, I., Nită, M.R., Hersperger, A., (2014), How successful is the resolution of land-use conflicts? A comparison of cases from Switzerland and Romania. Applied Geography. 47 , 125-136.
  • Angelstam P., Axelsson R., Elbakidze, M., Laestadius, M., Lazdinis, L., Nordberg, M., Pătru-Stupariu, I., Smith, M. (2011) Knowledge production and learning for sustainable forest management: European regions as a time machine. Forestry An International Journal of Forest, 84 (5): 581-596.


  • Grădinaru S.R,Iojă C., Pătru-Stupariu I.,,Hersperger A., (2017) Are spatial planning objectives reflected in the evolution of urban landscape patterns? A framework for the evaluation of spatial planning outcomes. Sustainability 9 (8), 1279.
  • Peringer A., Buttler A., Gillet F., Pătru-Stupariu I.,Schulze K., Stupariu M.S., Rosenthal G.(2017) Disturbance-grazer-vegetation interactions maintain habitat diversity in mountain pasture-woodlands Ecological Modelling, 359,301-310
  • Peringer A.,  Gillet F., Gert R., Stoicescu I., Pătru-Stupariu I.,Stupariu M.S., Buttler A. (2016) Landscape-scale simulation experiments test Romanian and Swiss management guidelines for mountain pasture-woodland habitat diversity. Ecological Modelling 330, 41-49.
  • Stoiculescu R., Huzui A., Gavrilidis A., Pătru-Stupariu I., Nita A., Călin I., Cuciulan A. (2014) What is the spatial link between the roman civilization and cultural landscape in Romania? Journal of  Maps. 10, 2   297-307.
  • Pătru-Stupariu I., Angelstam P., Elbakidze M., Huzui A., Andersson K. (2013) Using spatial patterns and forest history to identify potential high conservation value forests in Romania. Biodiversity and Conservation. 22: 2023-2039.
  • Huzui A., Abdellaoui A., Pătru-Stupariu I. (2013) Analyzing urban dynamics using multi-temporal satellite images in the case of a mountain area, Sinaia (Romania). International Journal of Digital Earth 6,6: 563-579.
  • Pătru-Stupariu I., Stupariu M.S., Cuculici R., Huzui A. (2011) Understanding landscape change using historical maps. Case study Sinaia, Romania. Journal of Maps, v2011:206-220.



  • Bogdan S., Pătru-Stupariu I., Zaharia L., (2016) The Assessment of Regulatory Ecosystem Services: The Case of the Sediment Retention Service in a Mountain Landscape in the Southern Romanian Carpathians Procedia Environmental Sciences,32: 12-27.
  • Gavrilidis A.A., Grădinaru S.G, Iojă C., Cârstea E.M.  Pătru-Stupariu. I (2015), Land use and land cover dynamics in the periurban area of an industrialized east-european city an overview of the last 100 years. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Cioacă T, Dumitrescu B.,  Stupariu M.S.,  Pătru-Stupariu I,  Năpăruș¸,  Stoicescu  I.,  Peringer A.,  Buttler A., and  Golay F (2015)  Heuristic-driven Graph Wavelet Modeling of Complex Terrain  ICGIP , doi: 10.1117/12.2179132
  • Tudor, C.A., Iojă, I.C., Hersperger, A.; Pătru-Stupariu, I., (2013): Is the residential land use incompatible with cemeteries location? Assessing the attitudes of urban Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 8, 2: 153-162.
  • Grădinaru, S.R., Iojă, I.C., Pătru – Stupariu, I., Niţă, M.R., Gavrilidis, A., Cârstea, E. (2013), Land abandonment changes between 2005 and 2008 in Bucharest city, Procedia Technology Series 8 Pages: 536-539.
  • Huzui A., Călin I., Pătru-Stupariu I. (2012) Spatial pattern analyses of landscape using multi-temporal data sources. Procedia Environmental Sciences Elsevier 14:98-110.
  • Cojanu V., Dobre R., Pătru-Stupariu I. (2012) The accessibility buffer – a basic GIS tool in determining the Competitive Potential Index. Procedia Environmental Sciences Elsevier 14:237-246.
  • Cojanu V., Pătru-Stupariu I., Dobre R. (2011) An exploratory study of the regional context of competitive development in Romani Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 33:67-89.