Professor Cristian BRAGHINĂ

Professor in Human Geography

Human and Economic Department

Founding member: Interdisciplinary Centre for
Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamic



Curriculum Vitae

Pregătire profesională

 Education and Training

  • 1979, BSc, University of Bucharest – Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • 2000, PhD in Geography, University of Bucharest
  • 2007, PhD coordinator since 2007, 14 postdoctoral graduates (2018)

Teaching activity

  • Bachelor – Economic Geography
  • Bachelor – Geography of  natural resources
  • Master – Territorial economy
  • Master – The geography of services activities

Research interest

  • Urban- rural relations
  • Sociology and demography
  • Industrial activities and territorial development
  • Influence of the privation  process on territorial economy

Selection of recent publications

  • BRAGHINĂ C., OPREA Monica-Adriana, OPREA Răzvan (2014), Land Use in the Sub-Carpathian Area of the Cricovul Sărat Basin. Assessment of the Environmental Impact, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning,, Special Issue No. 3, ISSN (Print): 2069-3419
  • STOICA Ilinca Valentina, TĂLÂNGĂ C., BRAGHINĂ C., ZAMFIR Daniela (2012), Environmental degradation due to anthropic actions. Case study: Saratel drainage basin (Romania), în Ramos Rodrigues R.A., Straupe I., Panagopoulos T. (2012), Recent research in environment, energy systems and sustainability. Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (EEESD ’12), WSEAS Press, University of Algarve, Portugal, pp. 238-242.
  • Braghina C., Merciu Cristina; Peptenatu D., Dobre R., Ianoș I., (2012), Environment Management in the Minning Areas Functionally Restructred. Case Study- the Petrosani Depression, România, Journal of Envirnomental Protection and Ecology, vol 12, no. 4, pg 2394, Greece

Cărți/capitole (selecție)

  • IANOȘ I., STOIAN Daniela, SAGHIN Irina, TĂLÂNGĂ C., MERCIU Florentina-Cristina, ZAMFIR Daniela, VĂIDIANU Natașa, SCHVAB A., CERCLEUX Andreea-Loreta, PINTILII R.D., PASCARIU G., IOJA C., BRAGHINĂ C., STOICA Ilinca-Valentina, PEPTENATU D., DRĂGHICI C. (2014), București și zona sa metropolitană. Privire comparativă cu Sofia și Atena / Bucharest and its metropolitan area. A comparative view with Sofia and Athens, Espon Programme GROSEE / Growth Poles in South-East Europe, Edit.Universitară, București, 63 p.
  • BRAGHINĂ C. (2015), Dezvoltare economică sustenabilă, Editura Universitară,44 p., ISBN978-606-28-0351-3