Professor Ioan IANOȘ

Professor in Human Geography

Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamics  (CICADIT):

Phone: +4021 3053700; Mobil: 0745121408


Curriculum vitae


Education and Training

  • 1973, B.S. Geography, Faculty of Biology, Geology and Geography, University „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca
  • 1982, Ph.D. Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest
  • 1990, entitled to coordinate Ph.D. thesis in Economic Geography at the University of Bucharest

Teaching activity

  • Urban Geography
  • Territorial systems
  • Optimisation of the territorial systems
  • Migration and development
  • Dynamics of settlements system

Research interest

  • Urban-rural interface
  • Urban and regional development
  • Theoretical geography
  • Dynamics of territorial systems
  • Territorial nanostructures
  • Geography in higher education
  • Rural and urban planning
  • Economic geography

Selection of recent publications (2016-2020)


  1. PETRISOR, A.Ionut, SIRODOEV, Igor, IANOS, Ioan (2020), Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania, Remote Sensing, 12, 200. doi:10.3390/rs12020230
  2. IANOŞ, Ioan, JONES, Roy (2019), Local aspects of change in the rural-urban fringe of a metropolitan area: A study of Bucharest, Romania, Habitat International, 91, September, 102026. org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.102026
  3. IANOŞ, Ioan, IONICĂ, Cristian, SÎRODOEV, Igor, SORENSEN, Anthony, BURETA, Emanuel, MERCIU, George, PARASCHIV, Mirela, TĂLÂNGĂ, Cristian (2019), Inadequate risk management and excessive response to flood disaster create unexpected land use changes and potential local conflicts, Land Use Policy, November, 104081. org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104081
  4. COCHECI, Matei, IANOŞ, Ioan, SORENSEN, Anthony, SAGHIN, Irina, SECĂREANU, George (2019), Assessing environmental fragility in a mining area for a specific spatial planning, Moravian Geographical Reports, 27, 3, 17-30. DOI:2478/mgr-2019-0013
  5. IANOŞ Ioan, SĂGEATĂ Radu, SORENSEN Anthony (2018), Simion Mehedinţi’s Contribution to Modern Romanian Geography, Professional Geographer, 70:3, 504-512. DOI:1080/00330124.2018.1432365
  6. MERCIU Cristina, IANOS Ioan, MERCIU George-Laurențiu, JONES Roy, POMEROY George (2018), Mapping accessibility for earthquake hazard response in the historic urban centre of Bucharest, Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, 18, 2011-2026. DOI:5194/nhess-18-2011-2018
  7. MERCIU Cristina, SIRODOEV Igor, MERCIU George, ZAMFIR Daniela, SCHVAB Andrei, STOICA Ilinca-Valentina, PARASCHIV Mirela, SAGHIN Irina, CERCLEUX Andreea-Loreta, VĂIDIANU Natașa, IANOS Ioan (2017), The „Văcărești Lake” protected area, a neverending debatable issue? Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 12, 2, 463-472
  8. IANOS Ioan, SORENSEN Anthony, MERCIU Cristina (2017), Incoherence of urban planning policy in Bucharest: Its potential for land use conflict, Land Use Policy, 60, 101-112. DOI:1016/j.landusepol.2016.10.030
  9. IANOS Ioan, SIRODOEV Igor, PASCARIU Gabriel, HENEBRY Geoffrey (2016), Divergent patterns of buil-up urban space growth following post-socialist changes, Urban Studies, 53,15, 3172-3188. DOI:1177/0042098015608568

Chapters in volumes

  1. GAVRIȘ Alexandru, IANOS Ioan (2017), The Power of the Web: Blogging Destination Image in Bucharest and Sofia (Chapter: 23), In: Hall D. (ed.), Tourism and Geopolitics, CABI Publishing, p.280-296.
  2. IANOS Ioan (2016), Causal relationships between economic dynamics and migration. Romania as case study. Capitol 16, In: Dominguez-Mujica, J. (ed.), Global Change and Human Mobility, Series title: Advances Geographical and Environmental Sciences, Springer, p.249-264. WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=D1T7b3JPjh8UaJ6CNCL&page=2&doc=14
  3. REINERT Erik, ENDRESEN Sylvi, IANOS Ioan, and SALTELLI Andrea (2016), Epilogue: The Future of Economic Development between Utopias and Dystopias, In: Reinert, E., Kattel R., Ghosh J. (eds), Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, p.738-786. https://apps.