Professor in Human Geography
Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamics (CICADIT):
Phone: +4021 3053700; Mobil: 0745121408
Education and Training
- 1973, B.S. Geography, Faculty of Biology, Geology and Geography, University „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca
- 1982, Ph.D. Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest
- 1990, entitled to coordinate Ph.D. thesis in Economic Geography at the University of Bucharest
Teaching activity
- Urban Geography
- Territorial systems
- Optimisation of the territorial systems
- Migration and development
- Dynamics of settlements system
Research interest
- Urban-rural interface
- Urban and regional development
- Theoretical geography
- Dynamics of territorial systems
- Territorial nanostructures
- Geography in higher education
- Rural and urban planning
- Economic geography
Selection of recent publications (2016-2020)
- PETRISOR, A.Ionut, SIRODOEV, Igor, IANOS, Ioan (2020), Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania, Remote Sensing, 12, 200. doi:10.3390/rs12020230
- IANOŞ, Ioan, JONES, Roy (2019), Local aspects of change in the rural-urban fringe of a metropolitan area: A study of Bucharest, Romania, Habitat International, 91, September, 102026. org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.102026
- IANOŞ, Ioan, IONICĂ, Cristian, SÎRODOEV, Igor, SORENSEN, Anthony, BURETA, Emanuel, MERCIU, George, PARASCHIV, Mirela, TĂLÂNGĂ, Cristian (2019), Inadequate risk management and excessive response to flood disaster create unexpected land use changes and potential local conflicts, Land Use Policy, November, 104081. org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104081
- COCHECI, Matei, IANOŞ, Ioan, SORENSEN, Anthony, SAGHIN, Irina, SECĂREANU, George (2019), Assessing environmental fragility in a mining area for a specific spatial planning, Moravian Geographical Reports, 27, 3, 17-30. DOI:2478/mgr-2019-0013
- IANOŞ Ioan, SĂGEATĂ Radu, SORENSEN Anthony (2018), Simion Mehedinţi’s Contribution to Modern Romanian Geography, Professional Geographer, 70:3, 504-512. DOI:1080/00330124.2018.1432365
- MERCIU Cristina, IANOS Ioan, MERCIU George-Laurențiu, JONES Roy, POMEROY George (2018), Mapping accessibility for earthquake hazard response in the historic urban centre of Bucharest, Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, 18, 2011-2026. DOI:5194/nhess-18-2011-2018
- MERCIU Cristina, SIRODOEV Igor, MERCIU George, ZAMFIR Daniela, SCHVAB Andrei, STOICA Ilinca-Valentina, PARASCHIV Mirela, SAGHIN Irina, CERCLEUX Andreea-Loreta, VĂIDIANU Natașa, IANOS Ioan (2017), The „Văcărești Lake” protected area, a neverending debatable issue? Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 12, 2, 463-472
- IANOS Ioan, SORENSEN Anthony, MERCIU Cristina (2017), Incoherence of urban planning policy in Bucharest: Its potential for land use conflict, Land Use Policy, 60, 101-112. DOI:1016/j.landusepol.2016.10.030
- IANOS Ioan, SIRODOEV Igor, PASCARIU Gabriel, HENEBRY Geoffrey (2016), Divergent patterns of buil-up urban space growth following post-socialist changes, Urban Studies, 53,15, 3172-3188. DOI:1177/0042098015608568
Chapters in volumes
- GAVRIȘ Alexandru, IANOS Ioan (2017), The Power of the Web: Blogging Destination Image in Bucharest and Sofia (Chapter: 23), In: Hall D. (ed.), Tourism and Geopolitics, CABI Publishing, p.280-296.
- IANOS Ioan (2016), Causal relationships between economic dynamics and migration. Romania as case study. Capitol 16, In: Dominguez-Mujica, J. (ed.), Global Change and Human Mobility, Series title: Advances Geographical and Environmental Sciences, Springer, p.249-264. WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=D1T7b3JPjh8UaJ6CNCL&page=2&doc=14
- REINERT Erik, ENDRESEN Sylvi, IANOS Ioan, and SALTELLI Andrea (2016), Epilogue: The Future of Economic Development between Utopias and Dystopias, In: Reinert, E., Kattel R., Ghosh J. (eds), Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, p.738-786. https://apps.